CentralwOrld Must shop Pride month2024 必买,2024 骄傲月 | centralwOrld
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CentralwOrld Must shop Pride month2024 必买,2024 骄傲月

Must shop
Pride month2024

Celebrate Pride Month with Pride Collection items from a variety of fashion and lifestyle brands, including some well-known cafes and restaurants. Reflect your true self and immerse yourself in a vibrant variety of styles. Let everyone choose to shop from various brands, including the following:

  • Shake Shack: Welcome everyone with our special Pride Shake menu, inviting you to experience the delicious diversity with our sublime vanilla milkshake blended with strawberries and blackberries, topped with mango sauce, whipped cream, and rainbow sprinkles throughout Pride Month.
  • Pomelo: Discover Celebrating Love with our Pride collection, vibrant and colorful clothing welcoming Pride, available for purchase today!
  • Casetify: Celebrate Pride Month with the Pride Collection. It comes with rainbow-engraved rings and matching phone cases to complete your look.
  • Care Bears Cafe: Celebrate Pride Month with the cheerful and adorable Care Bears rainbow collection, including sweet beverages and cute accessories, perfectly suited for the truly proud month.
  • Jelly Bunny: Comes with the cutest, vibrant items for girls to choose and match their looks for the festive Pride Month.
  • CHOL AROMATIQUE: True nature lies in being who you are. Unleash your inner beauty and shine your true colors, like a tree that bears unique leaves, each adding to the world's splendor.
  • Hug Craft: Encourage everyone to purchase souvenirs and useful products made and sold by Thai craftsmen throughout Pride Month, all while maintaining the unique identity and allure of being Thai.
  • Comma and: Join in celebrating Pride with the latest genderless items, allowing anyone of any gender or age to dress up and shop for a total look at Comma And, and stand out with a Happy Spirit fashion that's uniquely you.

Come shop and reflect your own identity through this Pride Collection
only at centralwOrld

在 centralwOrld
必买 ,2024 骄傲月


  • Shake Shack: 特别推出骄傲奶昔,邀请您在骄傲月期间品尝由草莓、黑莓混合的香草奶昔,配以芒果酱、奶油和彩虹糖霜。
  • Pomelo: 推出庆祝爱的骄傲系列,色彩鲜艳的服装迎接骄傲月,现已上市!
  • Casetify: 骄傲月限定系列,彩虹雕刻戒指和手机壳,为您的造型增添光彩。
  • Care Bears Cafe: 用欢乐的 Care Bears 彩虹系列庆祝骄傲月,包括甜品饮料和可爱配饰,为骄傲月增添色彩。
  • Jelly Bunny: 为女孩们提供可爱、活泼的饰品,让她们在骄傲月炫出个性。
  • CHOL AROMATIQUE: 做真实的自己,释放内在之美,如同树上的独特之叶,为世界增添光彩。
  • Hug Craft: 骄傲月期间,推荐购买泰国工匠手工制作的纪念品和实用产品,展现泰国独特的魅力。
  • Comma and: 最新无性别系列,让每个人都能以 Happy Spirit 时尚风格展现自我。

在这个骄傲月,来 centralwOrld 选购骄傲系列商品,展现你的个性吧!

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