The Greatest Grand Sale 2024 Sales Destination of The Year 年度最佳购物圣地 | centralwOrld
07 มิถุนายน 2567 - 31 กรกฎาคม 2567

The Greatest Grand Sale 2024 Sales Destination of The Year 年度最佳购物圣地

Period: 7 June – 31 July 2024

Apply for The 1 Tourist membership to get:


  • Get FREE Exclusive Collection Tumbler, 1 piece, valued at 1,200 baht when spending THB 10,000*

* Based on color availability

Redeem at: Receive your privilege at Redemption Counter, 2 Floor, Eden Zone (Close to Skywalk Entrance)

Terms & Conditions:

  1. This campaign privilege is only applied for international customers (non–Thai).
  2. Customer must present receipt from participating tenants with the total spending amount of THB 10,000 to receive free “Exclusive Collection Tumbler” 1 piece, valued at 1,200 baht at Redemption Counter, 2 Floor, Eden Zone (Close to Skywalk Entrance). The reward is limited to 200 redemptions/campaign.
  3. Limited to 1 right/person/day.
  4. Based on color availability
  5. Customers can present up to three receipts per person per day.
  6. This promotion cannot be applied or combined with any online sales promotion or Chat & Shop services.
  7. The promotion is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  8. The campaign period is 7 June – 31 July 2024.
  9. The company reserves the right to change or cancel the privileges and conditions without prior notice.

时期 : 2024年6月7日至7月31日

申请 The 1 Tourist 会员资格可获得:



兑换地点 : 在 Eden Zone 二楼的兑换柜台领取您的礼品(靠近Skywalk 入口)


  1. 此活动特权仅适用于国际顾客(非泰国国籍);
  2. 顾客必须在参与活动的商户处出示总消费金额为10,000泰铢的收据,方可在Eden Zone二楼(靠近Skywalk 入口)的兑换柜台免费领取一个价值1,200泰铢“限量版收藏杯”。每场活动限兑200个。
  3. 每人每天限领一次;
  4. 颜色选择以现有库存为准;
  5. 每人每天最多可出示三张收据;
  6. 此促销活动不可与其他任何促销活动或购物服务同享;
  7. 礼品数量有限,先到先得;
  8. 活动时间为2024年6月7日至7月31日;
  9. 公司保留更改或取消特权和条件的权利,且不另行通知。